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A group of messy code encrypted data for the security of fingerprint storage Supports RS-485 communication with 19200bps-N-8-1 transmission rate. There are CRC test for the protocol Supports EM card reading Card induction distance is 30 mm to 100 mm Supports multiple authentication modes (card, fingerprint, and card + fingerprint) Optical CMOS fingerprint module. The characters of fingerprint can be export to the card reader Max. 5000 fingerprints storage Adopts the optical fingerprint module, supporting 1:N mode (fingerprint, card + fingerprint) and 1:1 mode (card + fingerprint) Fingerprint comparison time: 1:1 ≤ 1 s, 1:1000 ≤ 1 s; FRR ≤ 0.01%, FAR ≤ 0.001% Communication circuit is designed with optical coupling isolation and noise suppression function Built-in buzzer for status indication Accurate data and time display provided by built-in electronic clock and watchdog program to ensure the basic function of the terminal Tamper-proof function
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